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教學活動 / 2024-05-13 / 點閱數: 68

感謝客家話劉秀鳳老師、閩南語謝佩勳老師、阿美語陳哲廣老師、 TENGO 長老、英語吳珮瑜老師、 TTSMAKER 、 GOOGLE 翻譯


Hello everyone, I would like to tell you about a magical place, and that is my beautiful hometown,Ruimei-Ruiliang Village. There are many 
kinds of fruits and crops, such as pumpkin, grapefruit, pineapple, 
coffee, tea, roselle,peanuts, watermelon and corn, and fresh milk. 
Our hometown is not only delicious food, but also fun activities! 
Do you know about rafting? Here you can row boats, feel the joy of 
splashing and whitewater surfing. There is also a sightseeing  cattle ranch where you can see cute lambs and cows.. .You can also feed
 them! In our community center, there are often held fun activities, 
where everyone can sing and dance together, and learn to draw and
do crafts. Our school is also very special, the teachers teach us a lot of knowledge and will take us to the fields to learn how to plant.
Qinglian Temple is a good place for us to relax, and the sound of     Buddha in the temple makes people feel very calm. So, I would like  to invite everyone to come and experience our life, taste our food, and   enjoy our natural landscape. I promise, you'll love it! Come and play with  us!


1130509 瑞美村瑞良村阿美語

1130509 瑞美村瑞良村客語

1130509 瑞美村瑞良村英語

1130509 瑞美村瑞良村國語

1130509 瑞美村瑞良村閩南語